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Content, community and camaraderie
for female entrepreneurs

We provide guidance and clarity in a sea of uncertainty and overwhelm. Let us take the guesswork out of the journey.


You started your own business to create an amazing life for yourself, your family and to do something great! I've created this platform to help you refocus, develop effective strategies, increase profits and breathe a little easier as you continue to grow and scale your business!


Download One of My Powerful Cheat Sheets to Amplify Your Marketing, Bring in Sales and Improve Your Cash Flow


Any part of the marketing and sales process that interacts with the customer (which is pretty much everything) will improve when you get clear on your ICA. Download our free guide to get super clear on who you’re serving and how, so that you can communicate to this ideal customer or community of potential customers at all times.


The lifeline of your business is Sales Revenue.  Cash flow starts with the money coming in and there are several ways that you can generate revenue in the short-term - and it’s not as hard as you may think it can be. Follow my 5 Steps to create a quick and actionable plan that you can implement right away.


As entrepreneurs,  we need to have a secure handle on cash flow and a backup plan. Cash flow starts with the money coming in - generating the revenue to support your fixed and variable expenses...and ideally, a healthy profit! This cheat-sheet will guide you through the six steps that can easily improve your cash flow.


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“Working with Maureen allows me to step back and see what can be, not just how things are now.

She has helped me focus, get strategic and be more visionary, while at the same time, encouraged me to be fearless in tackling the realities of how to improve my business and profitability. Profit margins are up, systems are working and I am clear on where I’m going! Maureen is extremely intuitive, heart centered and has incredible integrity.”


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Maureen Borzacchiello is obsessed with helping women succeed. She is a dedicated mentor, coach and consultant with a passion to drive female connection, community and success.

As an accomplished strategist, marketer, and entrepreneur, Maureen’s vision and expertise in business performance have driven notable growth.

Her newest endeavor is her soul mission: to make a difference in the lives of women by becoming a part of theirs.

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From the RealTalk Podcast


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